Rudiments (of) Non-Musicology

  • Rhythm is no more "One" than "X" (... et al. Ø; Khan 1927; Laruelle 1996, 1998); isosthenia (of) cycle, flow, rest [ῥέω-ῥυθμός-rhythmus] (Pyrrho ??? Sextus Empiricus 210; Sachs 1953); lenticuloticity (Odum 1957; Hannon 1973; Costanza 1980; Patel et al. 2005; Fowler n.d.).
  • Music is generic from-Rhythm (Flower 20??); an haphazard/unpredictable yet invariant metric that idempotently and nullipotently does not affect Rhythm (Rosenstraus and Levine 1979; Lawvere and Schanuel 1997; Maslov and Samborskii 2002).
  • Music is non-universal and indefinite without human decision, definition, interpretation, and judgement (Sextus Empiricus 210BCE; Aristoxenus 300BCE; Philodemus 30BCE; Pliny the Elder 77; Empiricus 200; Boethius 1492; Kepler 1619; Riepel 1754; Kirnberger 1777; Longfellow 1833; Westphal 1880; Hauptmann 1888; Riemann 1898; Russolo 1913; Jackson 1915-1918; Schoenberg 1922; Stetson 1923; Khan 1927; Wedge 1927; Mursell 1937; Adorno 1949; Alette 1951; Forte 1959; Cooper and Meyer 1960; Smither 1960; Cage 1961; Varése 1961; Pierce 1968; Xenakis 1971; Westergaard 1972; McClain 1976; Yeston 1976; Schafer 1977; Read 1978; Clifton 1983; Kerman 1985; Cook 1987; Stein et al. 1988; Boulez 1990; Hsü and Hsü 1990; Nattiez 1990; Hsü and Hsü 1991; Mâche 1992; Dabby 1995; Harley 1996; Lopez 1996; Samson 1999; Wallin et al. 2000; Foote and Uchihashi 2001; Mazzola 2002; Dorrell 2005; Hovland 2005; Patel 2008; Fritz et al. 2009; Zbib et al. 2010; Toussaint 2011; Levitin et al. 2012; Hogg 2013; Keogh 2013; Ockelford 2013; Rothenberg 2013).
  • Musicians are immanently biased instrumentalists (of) from-Music (Carnap 1934; Duhem 1954; Popper 1963; Tibbetts 1972; van Fraassen 1980; Leplin 1984; Psillos 1999).
  • Musicians are non-normally no more other than same, human than non-human, animal than non-animal, biotic than abiotic, being than nonbeing without synthesis ((M ∧ ¬M), ¬(M ∧ ¬M), ¬(M > ¬M)  Kripke 1965; Priest 1987; Bett 2000; Kabay 2008; Kolb 2008; Estrada-González 2012; Priest 2013).
  • Independent or unknown musical-variables (Composers/Listeners, Performances(Recordings)/Non-performances, Sounds(Silences)/Noises, etc.) are irregularly identical-without-mixture (Rhythm-in-Rhythm; Isosthenia).
  • Musical-variables are indeterminate and unstable pseudoreplicates that (nearly-) neutrally mutate from-Rhythm (as) "rhythms" via Composition (DeMarian 1729; Nietzsche 1871; Plato 1871; Boltzmann 1886; Aristotle 1930; Pinheiro dos Santos 1931; Lamkin 1934; Bachelard 1936; Brelet 1949; Langer 1957; Bünnng 1958; Georgiades 1958; Souriau 1958; Cooper and Meyer 1960; Aschoff 1965; Benveniste 1971; Lieth 1972; Popper 1978; Deleuze and Guattari 1980; Blanchot 1982; Heidegger 1982; Meschonnic 1982; Kimura 1983; Hurlbert 1984; Kristeva 1984; Abrahams 1985; Winfree 1987; Glass and Mackey 1988; Lacoue-Labarthe 1989; Mirollo and Strogatz 1990; Bernstein 1992; Lefebvre 1992; Ohta 1992; Agamben 1994; Aviram 1994; Endres and Schad 1997; Prigogine 1997; Meschonnic 1999; Aviram 2002; Schwartz 2003; Clayton, Sager, and Will 2004; Dunlap, Loros, and DeCoursey 2004; Foster and Kreitzman 2004, 2009; Miller 2004; Koukkari and Sothern 2006; Hudson and Keatley 2010; Nelson, Denlinger, and Somers 2010; Ikoniadou 2014).
  • Music-in-the-last-instance is Rhythm-in-Rhythm with X-in-the-last-instance (hearing-in-Rhythm; JMF075; Laruelle 1998, 2000).
  • Non-hypothetical populations (H?≡(H∧HA∧H0)→(X∧¬X)) of X-in-the-last-instance (as occasions or fictions) are cloned by Non-Musicology (Fisher 1935, Cochran 1977; Begon and Mortimer 1996; Krebs 1998; Lohr 1999; Southwood and Henderson 2000; Quinn and Keough 2002; Levy and Lemeshow 2008; Gotelli 2008, 2012; Thompson 2012; Flower 20??).
  • Non-Musicology is (ne)science-fiction (of) hearing-in-Rhythm via force-(of)-hearing (JMF066; Eco-ecto-exology; Feyerabend 1975; Cummiskey 1992; Sokal 1996; Gross 2010; Daly 2013).
  • Antecedent (without) consequent, if (without) then, protasis (without) apodosis, ... 
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