SYNCHRO.SAS: A SAS program for analysing floral phenological data
The SYNCHRO program calculates several phenological synchronisation indices and draws floral phenograms and other graphics that helps in the interpretation and quantification of field phenological data. The program is intended for SAS-PC under the Microsoft Windows. It has been developed using SAS Macros, simple data processing steps and several SAS procedures of the SAS/BASE 6.12 and SAS/GRAPH packages. The program is self- adjusting and it is not necessary to change the code for different number of clones, day measurements or  phenological scores.
Details of Synchro utilities can be seen in:
Zas R, Merlo E, Fernández, J. 2003. SYNCHRO: A SAS Program for Analysing the Floral Phenological Synchronisation in Seed Orchards. Sylvae Genetica 52: 212-215. PDF

Download the program: SYNCHRO.SAS
Download a sample data set: EXAMPLE.SD2
Download some extra explanations: SYNCHRO HELP.PDF

phenology: Tools to manage a parametric function that describes phenology

Functions to fit and test the phenology of species based on counts.
Version: 3.40
Depends: fields, coda, R (≥ 2.10.0)
Published: 2012-10-07
Author: Marc Girondot
Maintainer: Marc Girondot <marc.girondot at>
License: GPL-2
CRAN checks: phenology results


Package source: phenology_3.40.tar.gz
MacOS X binary: phenology_3.40.tgz
Windows binary:
Reference manual: phenology.pdf
Old sources: phenology archive

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